Apply for Membership

Membership Application Process

Public School Districts may apply for membership in the Tri-State Consortium by sending an expression of interest to the Executive Director. Upon receipt of the expression of interest, the process shall be as follows:

  • The Executive Director shall contact the superintendent of the interested district to have an initial discussion. The Executive Director shall make a preliminary determination about the extent to which the interested district might be able to utilize the Consortium’s services to further its work.

  • If the Executive Director determines that there is an appropriate match between the needs of the district and the services offered by the Consortium, he/she shall request the superintendent of the interested district to submit a self-study. The self-study shall include, but not be limited to:

  • An explanation of the reasons the district is seeking membership in the Consortium;

  • The district’s short and longer range goals, and mission and vision statements (if they exist);

  • A brief description, in prose or bullet form, of recent significant initiatives by the district and how they were implemented.

  • How the district sees the Consortium assisting the district in reaching its goals;

  • The district’s strategic plan (if one exists) and/or any other documents that describe the district’s next level of work; and

  • The district’s plan to train staff members, encourage them to participate in visits to other districts, and engage them in the Consortium’s work in other ways.

  • Upon receipt of the self-study, the Executive Director shall establish a Membership Committee, consisting of members of the Consortium, and set a date for the Membership Committee to visit the district to speak with the superintendent and members of his/her staff. If schools are educating students remotely, or if health concerns make it challenging to visit the district in person, the Membership Committee may conduct its “visit” remotely.

  • The members of the Membership Committee shall review the Self Study and report back to the Executive Director about any parts of the Study that seem unclear, so it can be returned to the District for additional work.

  • The Membership Committee visit to the district shall focus on the district’s self-study, as well as the district’s vision/mission, goals, readiness for participation in the Consortium, and staff support for membership.

  • The Membership Committee, upon completion of the visit, shall meet immediately following the visit and make a recommendation to the Executive Director to approve, delay or deny the district’s request for membership. Additionally, each member of the Membership Committee shall submit to the executive director a brief written statement conveying his/her views of the district’s readiness for membership.

  • The Executive Director shall convey the Membership Committee’s recommendation to the Steering Committee, along with the pertinent written information from committee members supporting the recommendation.

  • At the ensuing Steering Committee meeting, the Steering Committee shall take action, by vote, to approve, delay or deny the district’s request for membership.

  • The Executive Director shall notify the superintendent of the interested district of the Steering Committee’s action. If approved, the district will become a member of the Consortium for a five-year term.

Superintendents of public school districts interested in learning more about the Tri-State Consortium, but not ready for their districts to apply for membership, may apply for ex officio membership by sending an expression of interest to the Executive Director. Upon receipt of the expression of interest, the process shall be as follows:

  • The Executive Director shall contact the superintendent to have an initial discussion. The purpose of the discussion will be to explore what the superintendent seeks to gain through ex officio membership.

  • If the Executive Director concludes that ex officio membership may lead to an application for full membership in the future, he/she shall ask the superintendent to (a) make a commitment to participate in Consortium training that year, and (b) make a commitment to participate in or observe a visit that year.

  • Upon receipt of those commitments, the Executive Director shall approve the superintendent’s request for that school year and notify the Steering Committee of the superintendent’s ex officio membership. If requested by the superintendent, the Executive Director shall also have the discretion to permit the superintendent to be accompanied by one other member of his/her district’s staff to both training and to a visit.